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-  2019 

The role of the subchondral layer in osteonecrosis of the femoral head: analysis based on HR

DOI: 10.1177/0284185118786070

Keywords: Femur head necrosis,magnetic resonance imaging,MRI,multimodal imaging,diagnostic imaging,computer-assisted image processing

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Non-traumatic avascular osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) is a severe disease causing destruction of the hip joint, often necessitating total hip arthroplasty (THA) even in young patients. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is commonly used for diagnosis of ONFH, but provides limited insight into the subchondral bone microstructure. To analyze routine MRI findings in comparison to high-resolution quantitative computed tomography (HR-QCT) with a special focus on the subchondral layer and to estimate the importance of differences determining the indication for THA. Twelve patients with ONFH were included before THA. Preoperative MRI and HR-QCT of the retrieved femoral heads were aligned using a registration algorithm. Pathological findings and trabecular bone parameters in matched areas were analyzed by two readers. McNemar, marginal homogeneity test, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were used for comparison. Subchondral delamination was found in nine cases on HR-QCT, but missed or underestimated in all but one case on MRI (P?=?0.016). Chondral discontinuity was found in all cases on HR-QCT and in two cases on MRI (P?=?0.016). Areas of complete bone resorption on HR-QCT were linked to high signal intensity on 3D gradient-echo MRI sequences with water-selective excitation, while there was no correlation between trabecular bone parameters and MRI signal intensities in other areas (P?=?0.304). Subchondral delamination, subchondral resorption, and chondral discontinuity are found frequently in advanced stages of ONFH. These lesions tend to be underestimated on conventional MRI. Our results support the importance of CT imaging in the evaluation of ONFH


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