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ISSN: 2333-9721
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-  2018 

The Role of Dietary Patterns in Mood Disorders: Prospective Research in Youth Populations

DOI: 10.1177/1559827618765937

Keywords: mood disorders,dietary patterns,youth

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Childhood mood disorders, including depression and bipolar spectrum disorders, represent serious public health concerns and often extend into adulthood. Due to increasing rates of a mood disorder diagnosis, and its accompanying risk of suicide, identification and management in childhood and adolescence is critical. Yet, fully effective and safe treatment options are lacking for child-onset mood disorders. Research investigating relationships between nutrition and psychiatry is a plausible avenue to improve prevention and treatment options. Epidemiological and observational evidence exists to support a protective effect of the Mediterranean diet in mood disorder prevalence and future diagnosis. To date, the majority of research has been conducted in adult populations. Future research is needed to examine if similar dietary relationships exist within a youth mood disorder population. Additionally, increased homogeneity in assessment methods of mood disorder symptoms and dietary patterns is needed; specifically, to determine more collective conclusions via meta-analyses. Results from youth studies could be used to formulate future randomized controlled trials, health promotion programs or clinical interventions, via diet or supplement interventions, for alternative mood disorder treatment or prevention purposes


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