- 2019
Anatomical Positions of Vermiform Appendix in Bangladeshi People: A Postmortem StudyDOI: 10.12691/ajmsm-7-3-3 Abstract: The vermiform appendix is a worm-like, narrow, elongated, blind-ended extension of the large intestine of certain mammals, projecting from the posteromedial wall of the cecum, near its junction with the small intestine. It varies in position from person to person. Appendicitis is the most important clinical condition of vermiform appendix. The clinical presentation of appendicitis varies according to position of the vermiform appendix. An appropriate knowledge of the position of the vermiform appendix is important for surgeons, pathologists and other physicians for proper diagnosis and management of appendicitis and other appendicular diseases. In Bangladesh there is no sufficient data regarding position of the vermiform appendix. The present study is aimed to observe the anatomical position of the vermiform appendix among collected samples. With this aim the present study was carried out in the department of Anatomy, Sir Salimullah Medical College, Dhaka, from January 2008 to June 2009. After taking approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee sixty (60) postmortem vermiform appendices of different age groups collected by convenient sampling from unclaimed dead bodies of Bangladeshi cadavers which were under autopsy examination in the Department of Forensic Medicine of Dhaka Medical College (DMC) and Sir Salimullah Medical College (SSMC), Dhaka. The position of vermiform appendix was noted during collection of the sample from the dead bodies. In all the age groups, the pelvic position was the commonest (43.33%), followed by retrocecal-retrocolic position (33.33%), postileal position (20%) and subcecal-paracolic position (3.3%). Preileal variety was not found