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-  2019 

Silicosis: Origins and Consequences

DOI: 10.12691/ajmsm-7-3-2

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Silicosis is a lung disease caused by the inhalation of silica dust and the consequent depositing of this inorganic material in the bronchi, lymph nodes, and/or lung parenchyma, with or without, associated respiratory dysfunction. Silicosis is an irreversible disease. Chest digital radiography is considered as one of the greatest technological advances in imaging systems beneficial in the identification of Silicosis. The diagnostic basis of silicosis is the radiological finding of diffuse lung opacities, associated with the history of inhalation of silica dust or one of its several polymorphs. Occupational history forms a major component in the investigation process along with the finding of diffuse pulmonary nodules. The application of adequate dust control measures in work environments allows workers to prevent or control exposures thus avoiding or limiting the potential for the disease. Among the challenges of how we should address this public health problem, is to raise awareness among key stakeholders engaged in the working environment about the magnitude of the health problem caused by Silicosis


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