Publish in OALib Journal
ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99
Do medical students studying in the United Kingdom have an adequate factual knowledge of basic life support?
DOI: 10.5847/wjem.j.1920-8642.2019.02.002
Alice Lethbridge ,
April Wilson ,
Arpan Doshi ,
Bethan Stephens ,
Craig A. Mounsey ,
Damjan Veljanoski ,
Dhanya Sebastian ,
Emily Cramond-Wong ,
Emily Day ,
Feray Ozdes ,
Howell Fu ,
Imogen J. John ,
Imogen Watkins ,
James Cohen ,
James Mooney ,
John Gerrard Hanrahan ,
Joseph Williams ,
Kristian Tattam ,
Liam A. Mcgiveron ,
Lorna Green ,
Matthew G. Percy ,
Michelle S. D’souza ,
Mubasher A. Qamar ,
Nathan Crang ,
Omar Amin ,
Philippa Davies ,
Robert D. Willmore ,
Seamus G. Crumley ,
Shreya Badhrinarayanan
Keywords: Emergency Medicine , Basic life support , Medical education , Resuscitation
Healthcare professionals have a duty to maintain basic life support (BLS) skills. This study aims to evaluate medical students’ factual knowledge of BLS and the training they receive
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