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ISSN: 2333-9721
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-  2019 

Evaluation of the Efficacy of Rotational Corrections for Standard-Fractionation Head and Neck Image-Guided Radiotherapy

DOI: 10.1177/1533033819853824

Keywords: image guidance, cone beam computed tomography, 6 degrees of freedom, rotational corrections, head and neck cancer, intensity-modulated radiation therapy

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Modern linear accelerators are equipped with cone beam computed tomography and robotic couches that can correct for errors in the translational (X, Y, Z) and rotational (α, β, γ) axes prior to treatment delivery. Here, we compared the positional accuracy of 2 cone beam registration approaches: (1) employing translational shifts only in 3 degrees of freedom (X, Y, Z), versus; (2) using translational-rotational shifts in 6 degrees of freedom (X, Y, Z, α, β, γ)


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