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ISSN: 2333-9721
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-  2019 

The Relationship Between ZEB1-AS1 Expression and the Prognosis of Patients With Advanced Gastric Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy

DOI: 10.1177/1533033819849069

Keywords: gastric cancer, long noncoding RNA, ZEB1-AS1, chemotherapy, prognosis

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Long noncoding RNA ZEB1 antisense RNA 1 plays a vital role in tumorigenesis and metastasis. However, the role of ZEB1 antisense RNA 1 in gastric cancer remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate the expression level of ZEB1 antisense RNA 1 in gastric cancer tissues and evaluate its association with clinicopathological features and prognosis of patients with advanced gastric cancer receiving chemotherapy. The expression levels of ZEB1 antisense RNA 1 were examined in 224 pairs of gastric cancer and adjacent noncancerous tissues by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. The associations between ZEB1 antisense RNA 1 expression and clinicopathological features or survival of patients with advanced gastric cancer were assessed. The results showed that the expression levels of ZEB1 antisense RNA 1 in gastric cancer tissues were significantly higher than those in the paracancerous tissues (P < .001). Moreover, the high ZEB1 antisense RNA 1 expression was associated with tumor, nodes, and metastases stage IV (P = .018) and loss of E-cadherin expression (P = .033). Multivariate Cox hazards regression analysis revealed that high ZEB1 antisense RNA 1 expression was an independent risk factor for predicting poor prognosis in patients with advanced gastric cancer (hazard ratio = 1.530, 95% confidence interval, 1.052-2.224, P = .026). In conclusion, the present findings suggest that ZEB1 antisense RNA 1 is an independent prognostic factor for patients with advanced gastric cancer receiving chemotherapy


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