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ISSN: 2333-9721
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-  2019 

Can the Student Outperform the Master? A Plan Comparison Between Pinnacle Auto-Planning and Eclipse knowledge-Based RapidPlan Following a Prostate-Bed Plan Competition

DOI: 10.1177/1533033819851763

Keywords: automation, treatment planning, Auto-Plan, RapidPlan, KBP

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Pinnacle Auto-Planning and Eclipse RapidPlan are 2 major commercial automated planning engines that are fundamentally different: Auto-Planning mimics real planners in the iterative optimization, while RapidPlan generates static dose objectives from estimations predicted based on a prior knowledge base. This study objectively compared their performances on intensity-modulated radiotherapy planning for prostate fossa and lymphatics adopting the plan quality metric used in the 2011 American Association of Medical Dosimetrists Plan Challenge


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