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ISSN: 2333-9721
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-  2019 

PRDX4 and Its Roles in Various Cancers

DOI: 10.1177/1533033819864313

Keywords: PRDX4, H2O2, ROS, cancer, antioxidant

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Reactive oxygen species play a vital role in cell survival by regulating physiological metabolism and signal transduction of cells. The imbalance of oxidant and antioxidant states induces oxidative stress within a cell. Redox regulation and oxidative stress are closely related to survival and proliferation of stem cells, cancer cells, and cancer stem cells. Peroxiredoxin 4, a typical endoplasmic reticulum-resident 2-Cys antioxidant of peroxiredoxins, can fine-tune hydrogen peroxide catabolism which affects cell survival by affecting redox balance, oxidative protein folding, and regulation of hydrogen peroxide signaling. Recent studies revealed the overexpression of peroxiredoxin 4 in several kinds of cancers, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer. And it has been demonstrated that peroxiredoxin 4 causally contributes to tumorigenesis, therapeutic resistance, metastasis, and recurrence of tumors. In this article, the characteristics of peroxiredoxin 4 in physiological functions and the cancer-related research progress of mammalian peroxiredoxin 4 is reviewed. We believe that peroxiredoxin 4 has the potential of serving as a novel target for multiple cancers


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