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ISSN: 2333-9721
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-  2019 

Linear Accelerator-Based Radiotherapy Simulation Using On-Board Kilovoltage Cone-Beam Computed Tomography for 3-Dimensional Volumetric Planning and Rapid Treatment in the Palliative Setting

DOI: 10.1177/1533033819865623

Keywords: palliative radiotherapy, radiotherapy simulation, simulation techniques, cone-beam computed tomography, CBCT

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Palliation of advanced disease using radiotherapy can create difficult clinical situations where standard computed tomography simulation and immobilization techniques are not feasible. We developed a linear accelerator-based radiotherapy simulation technique using nonstandard patient positioning for head and neck palliation using on-board kilovoltage cone-beam computed tomography for 3-D volumetric planning and rapid treatment. Material and Methods: We proved cone-beam computed tomography simulation feasibility for semi-upright patient positioning using an anthropomorphic phantom on a clinical Elekta-Synergy linear accelerator. Cone-beam computed tomography imaging parameters were optimized for high-resolution image reconstruction and to ensure mechanical clearance. The patient was simulated using a cone-beam computed tomography–based approach and the cone-beam computed tomography digital imaging and communications in medicine file was imported to the treatment planning software to generate radiotherapy target volumes. Rapid planning was achieved by using a 3-level bulk density correction for air, soft tissue, and bone set at 0, 1.0, and 1.4 g/cm3, respectively


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