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ISSN: 2333-9721
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-  2019 

The Emerging World of TCR-T Cell Trials Against Cancer: A Systematic Review

DOI: 10.1177/1533033819831068

Keywords: adoptive T-cell therapy, TCR-T, tumor immunotherapy, tumor antigen, clinical trial

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T-cell receptor–engineered T-cell therapy and chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy are 2 types of adoptive T-cell therapy that genetically modify natural T cells to treat cancers. Although chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy has yielded remarkable efficacy for hematological malignancies of the B-cell lineages, most solid tumors fail to respond significantly to chimeric antigen receptor T cells. T-cell receptor–engineered T-cell therapy, on the other hand, has shown unprecedented promise in treating solid tumors and has attracted growing interest. In order to create an unbiased, comprehensive, and scientific report for this fast-moving field, we carefully analyzed all 84 clinical trials using T-cell receptor–engineered T-cell therapy and downloaded from updated by June 11, 2018. Informative features and trends were observed in these clinical trials. The number of trials initiated each year is increasing as expected, but an interesting pattern is observed. NY-ESO-1, as the most targeted antigen type, is the target of 31 clinical trials; melanoma is the most targeted cancer type and is the target of 33 clinical trials. Novel antigens and underrepresented cancers remain to be targeted in future studies and clinical trials. Unlike chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy, only about 16% of the 84 clinical trials target against hematological malignancies, consistent with T-cell receptor–engineered T-cell therapy’s high potential for solid tumors. Six pharma/biotech companies with novel T-cell receptor–engineered T-cell ideas and products were examined in this review. Multiple approaches have been utilized in these companies to increase the T-cell receptor’s affinity and efficiency and to minimize cross-reactivity. The major challenges in the development of the T-cell receptor–engineered T-cell therapy due to tumor microenvironment were also discussed here


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