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ISSN: 2333-9721
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-  2019 

The efficacy of addition of dexmedetomidine to intrathecal bupivacaine in lower abdominal surgery under spinal anesthesia

DOI: 10.22088/cjim.10.2.142

Keywords: Dexmedetomidine, Bupivacaine, Lower abdominal surgery, Spinal anesthesia

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Spinal anesthesia is the common choice for anesthesia in lower abdomen surgery and intrathecal adjutants have gained popularity with the aim of prolonging the duration of block, quality of block and post operation pain control. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of adding dexmedetomidine to hyperbaric bupivacaine in lower abdominal surgery under spinal anesthesia. The main outcomes were considered pain score, duration of analgesia, hemodynamic changes and adverse side effects like nausea and vomiting


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