- 2019
Correction to: Low levels of pyruvate induced by a positive feedback loop protects cholangiocarcinoma cells from apoptosisDOI: 10.1186/s12964-019-0357-z Abstract: The changes in metabolic enzymes contribute to the low levels of pyruvate. a Cells were treated with 1?μM ML265 for 24?h and subjected to western blot. b PKM2 overexpressed cells and their counterparts were subjected to western blot. c The oxygen consumption rates (OCR) of PKM2-overexpressed cells and control cells were detected at different time points. OCR under oligomycin, carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone (FCCP), and antimycin A/rotenone treatments, respectively. d Cells were treated with 10?μM Gossypol-Acetic Acid (GAA) for 24?h and subjected to western blot. e LDHA knockdown cells and their counterparts were subjected to western blot. f The OCR of LDHA knockdown cells and control cells were detected at different time points. g Cells were treated with 1?μM ML265 and 10?μM GAA for 24?h, then subjected to western blot. h Cells were treated with 1?μM ML265 and 10?μM GAA for 24?h, the concentrations of the metabolites in GC cells were measured by Mass spectrometry (MS) and normalized to their protein level. i The OCR of cells were detected at different time points after they treated with 1?μM ML265 and 10?μM GAA for 24?h. Data represent the Mean?±?SEM, n?≥?3. *p?<?0.05, **p?<?0.01, NS not significan