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Investigation of relationship between levels of self-care agency and self-efficacy in nursing students

DOI: 10.21276/apjhs.2020.7.1.1, PP. 1-6

Keywords: Self care agency, self-efficacy, nursing, student

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Purpose: This descriptive-correlational study was conducted to determine the level of self-care agency and self-efficacy of nursing students and relationship between self-care agency and self-efficacy. Methods: The population of this research consisted of 432 nursing students at Ad?yaman University School of Health in Ad?yaman, Turkey. The sample consisted of 210 nursing students. The data were collected by using student introduction form, The General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), and Self-care power scale. The scales and form were distributed and collected by the researchers in classrooms. Data were analyzed using descriptive and comparative statistical methods. The relationship between the scales was determined by pearson correlation analysis. Results: It was determined that 62.4% of the students were women, 33.3% were in 4th class, 58.1% were high school graduates, 63.3% preferred the nursing department of their own will. The mean score of self-care agency of students was found to be 93.03 ± 20.62. The mean score of total GSES was 82.60±12.83. There was statistically significant relationship between the total self-efficacy scores and Self care agency (r=0.494, p=0.000).Conclusion: It was concluded that nursing students had upper of medium level self-care agency and self-efficacy. It was seen that there was a positive moderate relationship between self-care agency and self-efficacy levels of nursing students.


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