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-  2018 

Design of Synchronous Drive Mechanism of Opposed-Piston Hydraulic-Output Engine
Design of Synchronous Drive Mechanism of Opposed-Piston Hydraulic-Output Engine

DOI: 10.15918/j.jbit1004-0579.201827.0213

Keywords: power machinery and engineering opposed-piston engine hydraumatic kinetic characteristics
power machinery and engineering opposed-piston engine hydraumatic kinetic characteristics

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In order to improve the thermal power conversion capacity of the internal combustion engine, combined with existing opposed-piston two-stroke engine(OP2S) and hydraulic free piston engine(HFPE), the integral structure for a new type of opposed-piston hydraulic-output (OPHO) engine has been designed, an operating principle has been introduced, the composition of its synchronous drive mechanism has been carefully analyzed, and a mathematical model has been built. In addition, the kinematics models of both the mechanism and the conventional crank-link mechanism have been established by utilizing MATLAB, and the movement rules of the pivotal moving components have been obtained. According to the simulation results, the piston movement of this new type of opposed-piston hydraulic-output engine reveals a prominent asymmetry compared to the conventional crank-link engine. Under a fixed engine revolving speed, the compression time of the opposed-piston hydraulic-output engine is shortened while the expanding time is lengthened, thus the gas turbulence intensity is strengthened around the top dead center (TDC) position. Meanwhile, the piston obtains a longer isometric process compared to conventional engines, which could be benefitial to enhance the combustion efficiency.
In order to improve the thermal power conversion capacity of the internal combustion engine, combined with existing opposed-piston two-stroke engine(OP2S) and hydraulic free piston engine(HFPE), the integral structure for a new type of opposed-piston hydraulic-output (OPHO) engine has been designed, an operating principle has been introduced, the composition of its synchronous drive mechanism has been carefully analyzed, and a mathematical model has been built. In addition, the kinematics models of both the mechanism and the conventional crank-link mechanism have been established by utilizing MATLAB, and the movement rules of the pivotal moving components have been obtained. According to the simulation results, the piston movement of this new type of opposed-piston hydraulic-output engine reveals a prominent asymmetry compared to the conventional crank-link engine. Under a fixed engine revolving speed, the compression time of the opposed-piston hydraulic-output engine is shortened while the expanding time is lengthened, thus the gas turbulence intensity is strengthened around the top dead center (TDC) position. Meanwhile, the piston obtains a longer isometric process compared to conventional engines, which could be benefitial to enhance the combustion efficiency.


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