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-  2018 

Propagating Characteristic of Premixed Methane-Oxygen Deflagration in the Coal Mine Lane Including a Refuge Chamber
Propagating Characteristic of Premixed Methane-Oxygen Deflagration in the Coal Mine Lane Including a Refuge Chamber

DOI: 10.15918/j.jbit1004-0579.201827.0114

Keywords: mechanics of explosion detonation experiments physical model of the coal mine lane premixed methane-oxygen explosion refuge chamber
mechanics of explosion detonation experiments physical model of the coal mine lane premixed methane-oxygen explosion refuge chamber

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In order to investigate detonation propagation and distribution problems of premixed CH4+2O2 mixture around a concrete structure such as a refuge chamber, detonation experiments in one small size tube were conducted. A simulation method was developed to obtain the flow field load distribution in the coal mine lane and pressure load of each part for the refuge chamber. Firstly, a physical model of a full-size explosion-test lane was established, which included the refuge chamber. With the calculations of the exact initial detonation pressure, the propagation characteristics of CH4+2O2 premixed mixture detonation in the lane was simulated. Simulation results of various parts from AUTODYN are recorded, and the shock wave arrival time and the pressure peak can be observed from the detonation pressure-time curve over the changing propagation distance. So curve differences in different locations cannot be ignored. Then by detonation experiments in the small size tube, detonation pressure-time curves and velocity were obtained. Finally the simulation waveform of variation curve agreed well with the experimental results, which validated the detonation simulation method. The difference between shockwaves of the two sensors confirmed that detonation wave changed along with distance and time. These results should be taken into serious consideration for the detonation progration and distribution problem in future researches.
In order to investigate detonation propagation and distribution problems of premixed CH4+2O2 mixture around a concrete structure such as a refuge chamber, detonation experiments in one small size tube were conducted. A simulation method was developed to obtain the flow field load distribution in the coal mine lane and pressure load of each part for the refuge chamber. Firstly, a physical model of a full-size explosion-test lane was established, which included the refuge chamber. With the calculations of the exact initial detonation pressure, the propagation characteristics of CH4+2O2 premixed mixture detonation in the lane was simulated. Simulation results of various parts from AUTODYN are recorded, and the shock wave arrival time and the pressure peak can be observed from the detonation pressure-time curve over the changing propagation distance. So curve differences in different locations cannot be ignored. Then by detonation experiments in the small size tube, detonation pressure-time curves and velocity were obtained. Finally the simulation waveform of variation curve agreed well with the experimental results, which validated the


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