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-  2018 

Mechanical Behavior and Failure Criterion of High Performance Concrete Under Biaxial Tension-Compression Loading Condition
Mechanical Behavior and Failure Criterion of High Performance Concrete Under Biaxial Tension-Compression Loading Condition

DOI: 10.15918/j.jbit1004-0579.17095

Keywords: high performance concrete (HPC) biaxial tension-compression failure mode failure criterion
high performance concrete (HPC) biaxial tension-compression failure mode failure criterion

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The mechanical behavior and failure criterion of high performance concrete (HPC) subjected to biaxial tension-compression loading conditions were investigated experimentally with a real triaxial testing system. The failure modes, ultimate strength and stress-strain curves of HPC under biaxial tension-compression loading conditions were obtained. Then, mechanical behavior of HPC under different stress ratios were analyzed. Finally, based on the Kupfer's strength criterion for conventional concrete and test results, a novel failure criterion was proposed for HPC under biaxial tension-compression loading conditions.
The mechanical behavior and failure criterion of high performance concrete (HPC) subjected to biaxial tension-compression loading conditions were investigated experimentally with a real triaxial testing system. The failure modes, ultimate strength and stress-strain curves of HPC under biaxial tension-compression loading conditions were obtained. Then, mechanical behavior of HPC under different stress ratios were analyzed. Finally, based on the Kupfer's strength criterion for conventional concrete and test results, a novel failure criterion was proposed for HPC under biaxial tension-compression loading conditions.


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