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-  2018 

Control Research of Dual Chamber Hydro-Pneumatic Suspension
Control Research of Dual Chamber Hydro-Pneumatic Suspension

DOI: 10.15918/j.jbit1004-0579.17119

Keywords: vehicle dynamics dual chamber hydro-pneumatic (DCHP) suspension cuckoo search (CS) fuzzy PID
vehicle dynamics dual chamber hydro-pneumatic (DCHP) suspension cuckoo search (CS) fuzzy PID

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Vehicle riding comfort and handling stability are directly affected by suspension performance. A novel dual chamber hydro-pneumatic (DCHP) suspension system is developed in this paper. Based on the structural analysis of the DCHP suspension, an equivalent suspension model is proposed for the control purpose. A cuckoo search (CS) based fuzzy PID controller is proposed for the control of the DCHP suspension system. The proposed controller combines the advantage of fuzzy logic and PID controller, and CS algorithm is used to regulate the membership functions and PID parameters. Compared with tradition LQR controller and passive suspension system, the CSFPID controller can reduce the sprung mass acceleration, and at the same time with no deterioration of tire deflection.
Vehicle riding comfort and handling stability are directly affected by suspension performance. A novel dual chamber hydro-pneumatic (DCHP) suspension system is developed in this paper. Based on the structural analysis of the DCHP suspension, an equivalent suspension model is proposed for the control purpose. A cuckoo search (CS) based fuzzy PID controller is proposed for the control of the DCHP suspension system. The proposed controller combines the advantage of fuzzy logic and PID controller, and CS algorithm is used to regulate the membership functions and PID parameters. Compared with tradition LQR controller and passive suspension system, the CSFPID controller can reduce the sprung mass acceleration, and at the same time with no deterioration of tire deflection.


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