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-  2018 

Numerical Investigation on the Features of Gasoline Mixture Flow Field with Rotary Jet Mixing
Numerical Investigation on the Features of Gasoline Mixture Flow Field with Rotary Jet Mixing

DOI: 10.15918/j.jbit1004-0579.17097

Keywords: gasoline mixing rotary jet mixing (RJM) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation mixing time
gasoline mixing rotary jet mixing (RJM) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation mixing time

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Employing the standard k-ε turbulent model and slipping grid technique, distributions of velocity and dynamic pressure and mixing time was numerically investigated to research the gasoline flow features and mixing efficiency in a gasoline mixture tank with a rotary jet mixing (RJM) system installed at the bottom center. The simulation results showed that the RJM system can achieve fully circular stir without blind corner, reaching high mixing efficiency in the mixing process of gasoline from different refining line. The mixing density difference met the mixing requirement for the first time at 31.2.s and then showed a tendency of deterioration. It met the requirement again at 58.2.s with the mixing density difference meeting the mixing criterion of 3‰.
Employing the standard k-ε turbulent model and slipping grid technique, distributions of velocity and dynamic pressure and mixing time was numerically investigated to research the gasoline flow features and mixing efficiency in a gasoline mixture tank with a rotary jet mixing (RJM) system installed at the bottom center. The simulation results showed that the RJM system can achieve fully circular stir without blind corner, reaching high mixing efficiency in the mixing process of gasoline from different refining line. The mixing density difference met the mixing requirement for the first time at 31.2.s and then showed a tendency of deterioration. It met the requirement again at 58.2.s with the mixing density difference meeting the mixing criterion of 3‰.


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