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-  2018 

Simulation-Based Construction of Three-Dimensional Process Model for Punching Cartridge Cases
Simulation-Based Construction of Three-Dimensional Process Model for Punching Cartridge Cases

DOI: 10.15918/j.jbit1004-0579.201827.0216

Keywords: punching three-dimensional process model finite element simulation three-dimensional annotation
punching three-dimensional process model finite element simulation three-dimensional annotation

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A method of constructing three-dimensional process model for the punching cartridge cases is presented based on DEFORM simulation analysis. Using DEFORM software, the finite element simulation models for the punching and forming process of cartridge cases are established, and the corresponding simulation result model of each intermediate procedure is obtained by continuously performing the forming process simulation. The simulation model cannot annotate size and process information due to poor interface between DEFORM software and CAD software. Thus, a 3D annotation module is developed with secondary development technology of UG NX software. Consequently, the final process model with dimension and process information is obtained. Then, with the current 3D process management system, the 3D punching and forming process design of cartridge cases can be completed further. An example is also provided to illustrate that the relative error between the simulation process model and the physical model is less than 2%, which proves the validity and reliability of the proposed method in this study.
A method of constructing three-dimensional process model for the punching cartridge cases is presented based on DEFORM simulation analysis. Using DEFORM software, the finite element simulation models for the punching and forming process of cartridge cases are established, and the corresponding simulation result model of each intermediate procedure is obtained by continuously performing the forming process simulation. The simulation model cannot annotate size and process information due to poor interface between DEFORM software and CAD software. Thus, a 3D annotation module is developed with secondary development technology of UG NX software. Consequently, the final process model with dimension and process information is obtained. Then, with the current 3D process management system, the 3D punching and forming process design of cartridge cases can be completed further. An example is also provided to illustrate that the relative error between the simulation process model and the physical model is less than 2%, which proves the validity and reliability of the proposed method in this study.


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