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-  2018 

Pulse Signal Recovery Method Based on Sparse Representation
Pulse Signal Recovery Method Based on Sparse Representation

DOI: 10.15918/j.jbit1004-0579.201827.0201

Keywords: signal recovery pulse signal sparse representation matching pursuit
signal recovery pulse signal sparse representation matching pursuit

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Pulse signal recovery is to extract useful amplitude and time information from the pulse signal contaminated by noise. It is a great challenge to precisely recover the pulse signal in loud background noise. The conventional approaches, which are mostly based on the distribution of the pulse energy spectrum, do not well determine the locations and shapes of the pulses. In this paper, we propose a time domain method to reconstruct pulse signals. In the proposed approach, a sparse representation model is established to deal with the issue of the pulse signal recovery under noise conditions. The corresponding problem based on the sparse optimization model is solved by a matching pursuit algorithm. Simulations and experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on pulse signal recovery.
Pulse signal recovery is to extract useful amplitude and time information from the pulse signal contaminated by noise. It is a great challenge to precisely recover the pulse signal in loud background noise. The conventional approaches, which are mostly based on the distribution of the pulse energy spectrum, do not well determine the locations and shapes of the pulses. In this paper, we propose a time domain method to reconstruct pulse signals. In the proposed approach, a sparse representation model is established to deal with the issue of the pulse signal recovery under noise conditions. The corresponding problem based on the sparse optimization model is solved by a matching pursuit algorithm. Simulations and experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on pulse signal recovery.


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