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-  2018 

Network Sorting Algorithm of Multi-Frequency Signal with Adaptive SNR
Network Sorting Algorithm of Multi-Frequency Signal with Adaptive SNR

DOI: 10.15918/j.jbit1004-0579.201827.0207

Keywords: frequency-hopping (FH) under-determined adaptive signal noise ratio (SNR) time-frequency (TF) signal source network sorting
frequency-hopping (FH) under-determined adaptive signal noise ratio (SNR) time-frequency (TF) signal source network sorting

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An signal noise ratio (SNR) adaptive sorting algorithm using the time-frequency (TF) sparsity of frequency-hopping (FH) signal is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the Gabor transformation is used as TF transformation in the system and a sorting model is established under undetermined condition; then the SNR adaptive pivot threshold setting method is used to find the TF single source. The mixed matrix is estimated according to the TF matrix of single source. Lastly, signal sorting is realized through improved subspace projection combined with relative power deviation of source. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that this algorithm has good effectiveness and performance.
An signal noise ratio (SNR) adaptive sorting algorithm using the time-frequency (TF) sparsity of frequency-hopping (FH) signal is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the Gabor transformation is used as TF transformation in the system and a sorting model is established under undetermined condition; then the SNR adaptive pivot threshold setting method is used to find the TF single source. The mixed matrix is estimated according to the TF matrix of single source. Lastly, signal sorting is realized through improved subspace projection combined with relative power deviation of source. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that this algorithm has good effectiveness and performance.


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