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-  2018 

Curvature Compensated CMOS Bandgap Reference with Novel Process Variation Calibration Technique
Curvature Compensated CMOS Bandgap Reference with Novel Process Variation Calibration Technique

DOI: 10.15918/j.jbit1004-0579.201827.0204

Keywords: bandgap reference voltage process variation resistance-trimming current-calibration curvature compensation temperature coefficient
bandgap reference voltage process variation resistance-trimming current-calibration curvature compensation temperature coefficient

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A low temperature coefficient (TC) bandgap reference (BGR) with novel process variation calibration technique is proposed in this paper. This proposed calibration technique compensating both TC and output value of BGR achieves fine adjustment step towards the reference voltage, while keeping optimal TC by utilizing large resistance to help layout match. The high-order curvature compensation realized by poly and p-diffusion resistors is introduced into the design to guarantee the temperature characteristic. Implemented in 180.nm technology, the proposed BGR has been simulated to have a power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) of 91.dB@100.Hz. The calibration technique covers output voltage scope of 0.49 V-0.56 V with TC of 9.45×10-6/℃-9.56×10-6/℃ over the temperature range of -40℃-120℃. The designed BGR provides a reference voltage of 500.mV,with measured TC of 10.1×10-6/℃.
A low temperature coefficient (TC) bandgap reference (BGR) with novel process variation calibration technique is proposed in this paper. This proposed calibration technique compensating both TC and output value of BGR achieves fine adjustment step towards the reference voltage, while keeping optimal TC by utilizing large resistance to help layout match. The high-order curvature compensation realized by poly and p-diffusion resistors is introduced into the design to guarantee the temperature characteristic. Implemented in 180.nm technology, the proposed BGR has been simulated to have a power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) of 91.dB@100.Hz. The calibration technique covers output voltage scope of 0.49 V-0.56 V with TC of 9.45×10-6/℃-9.56×10-6/℃ over the temperature range of -40℃-120℃. The designed BGR provides a reference voltage of 500.mV,with measured TC of 10.1×10-6/℃.


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