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-  2018 

Modeling and Optimization of Heat Dissipation Structure of EV Battery Pack

DOI: 10.15918/j.jbit1004-0579.201827.0104

electric vehicle(EV) battery pack cooling computational fluid dynamics(CFD) air cooling

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In order to solve the problems of high temperature and inconsistency in the operation of electric vehicle (EV) battery pack,computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation method is used to simulate and optimize the heat dissipation of battery pack.The heat generation rate at different discharge magnifications is identified by establishing the heat generation model of the battery.In the forced air cooling mode,the Fluent software is used to compare the effects of different inlet and out-let directions,inlet angles,outlet angles,outlet sizes and inlet air speeds on heat dissipation.The simulation results show that the heat dissipation effect of the structure with the inlet and outlet on the same side is better than that on the different sides;the appropriate inlet angle and outlet width can improve the uniformity of temperature field;the increase of the inlet speed can improve the heat dissipation effect significantly.Compared with the steady temperature field of the initial structure, the average temperature after structure optimization is reduced by 4.8益and the temperature difference is reduced by 15.8℃,so that the battery can work under reasonable temperature and temperature difference.


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