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Publish in OALib Journal
ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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DOI: -, PP. 139-156

Keywords: Faith, Development, Theory, Fowler, Stage

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Faith Development theory has been one of the most studied, assessed and discussed theory about faith and its development from 1981 that it has been written until now. Works over 200 have been studied on this theory. James W. Fowler, himself, has studied on the faith phenomenon and written a lot of articles and books continuously until his death in October 2015. In this article it has been intended to study on a topic detailed, which is studied just in a few works in our country. Fowler has argued that there are seven stages in faith development when added a primal faith stage, which categorizes the faith development of infants. According to Fowler’s theory transition from one stage to another isn’t automatical process; it needs to complete succesfully person’s development assignments, which appears in the former levels. Additionally there is a progress continuously in the theory and it isn’t possible to return to completed stages. In the conclusion an information about ‘The Faith Development Interview’ developed by Fowler to determine that which stage a person is in? has been given briefly.


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