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Research on Risk Cross-border Transmission Paths of Public Emergency Crisis—A Case Study: Japanese Earthquake

DOI: 10.7508/AMS-V2-N2-51-59, PP. 51-59

Keywords: Emergency public crisis, Transmission path, Japanese

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The development of global economy makes the world become a large global village, emergency crisis that occurs in one alone country may bring out great impacts on other countries, so every country has to pay more attention to international emergency crisis in order to avoid the negative impacts on themselves. This paper states two paths of risks transmission, namely the traditional transmission path and non-traditional transmission path, which aims at offering helpful reference for governments to manage international risks and reduce risks’ negative impacts. Furthermore, the paper takes the risks of China’s food industry which were caused by Japanese serious public crisis occurred in March 2011 as the example, and constructs two transmission path models to analyse the reasons and the process of cross-border risks’ transmission path and their passive impacts. Then, the paper proposes measures finally to avoid and reduce international emergency crisis’ influence on Chinese social and economy.


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