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Evaluations of Organization Knowledge Innovation

DOI: 10.7508/AMS-V2-N2-129-136, PP. 129-136

Keywords: knowledge innovation, organization knowledge innovation model, evaluations, statistical analysis

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In knowledge economics, knowledge has become the key resources beyond materials such as land, capital, and labours. Organization knowledge innovation (OKI) is the key sustained competitive advantages and hot problems urgent to be solved in organizations. OKI is deemed to an open dynamic complex ecosystem, in which knowledge workers are knowledge carriers or active ones with various motivations, abilities and characters. This paper set up a system model of OKI with some unique features, including its operating processes, evaluation methods, and inside and outside environments. And then in cases of some enterprises, we gathered data and made some statistics analysis including factor analysis and ridge regression analysis, etc. to develop the evaluations theories of OKI.


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