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Axioms  2014 

Business Decision-Making Using Geospatial Data: A Research Framework and Literature Review

DOI: 10.3390/axioms3010010

Keywords: spatial decision support systems, geospatial data, information presentation, decision-performance, task-characteristics, user-characteristics

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Organizations that leverage their increasing volume of geospatial data have the potential to enhance their strategic and organizational decisions. However, literature describing the best techniques to make decisions using geospatial data and the best approaches to take advantage of geospatial data’s unique visualization capabilities is limited. This paper reviews the use of geospatial visualization and its effects on decision performance, which is one of the many components of decision-making when using geospatial data. Additionally, this paper proposes a comprehensive model allowing researchers to better understand decision-making using geospatial data and provides a robust foundation for future research. Finally, this paper makes an argument for further research of information-presentation, task-characteristics, user-characteristics and their effects on decision-performance when utilizing geospatial data.


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