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Axioms  2013 

Nonnegative Scaling Vectors on the Interval

DOI: 10.3390/axioms2030371

Keywords: scaling functions, (compactly supported) scaling vectors

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In this paper, we outline a method for constructing nonnegative scaling vectors on the interval. Scaling vectors for the interval have been constructed in [1–3]. The approach here is different in that the we start with an existing scaling vector ? that generates a multi-resolution analysis for L2(R) to create a scaling vector for the interval. If desired, the scaling vector can be constructed so that its components are nonnegative. Our construction uses ideas from [4,5] and we give results for scaling vectors satisfying certain support and continuity properties. These results also show that less edge functions are required to build multi-resolution analyses for L2 ([a; b]) than the methods described in [5,6].


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