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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Keywords: Creative industries , copyright , China , Europe , EU-China agreements

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The impact and creativity has increase in the last years in Europe. It was focused by an United Nations report on creative economy in 2008 .Cooperation and trade in goods and services has increased. Today, the EU is the biggest destination for China's exports and the second supplier to China. For the EU, China is the second trading partner, after the United States. Based on current agreements between the two continents, we can mention the following documents that justify our research: The bilateral issues and cooperation, including people-to-people exchanges in 20111; EU-China Youth Policy Dialogue about education, culture and youth policies;2 The EU-China high level people to people dialogue, celebrated in Chengdu, 2012.3 EU-China Business Summit, which took place in September 2012, in Brussels.4 The EU is committed to strengthening its partnership with China, as demonstrated by the fourteenth EU-China summit that took place in Beijing, 2012.5 Also there are some forums and conferences that are relevant for our research such as, the EU- China high level cultural forum celebrated, in Brussels 2010;6 Beijing in 2011; the Louvre in 2012,7 and the China- EU Seminar on cultural and creative industries cooperation.8 The rights of intellectual property law are more vulnerable in the cultural and creative sector.For this reason, it is essential that we protect ideas and designs; they are the new creations and they need to be sheltered. In this article, we are going to explain what intellectual property (IP) law is, specifically copyright, and how it began to appears in China in order to understand the concept of copyright To gather this information, we will discuss the copyright protection for creative industries in China. And we will do a brief comparison about the copyright protection for creative industries in EU, including legal mechanisms in EU that relates to China. The methodology is the investigation and examination of documentation and we will elaborate a diagnose to observe the main differences between the Chinese and European legislation. In the end, we will summarize the previous material, and draw a conclusion.


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