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Publish in OALib Journal
ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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The behavioral dimension in urban community: emigration between the "easiest" way of life and community prestige in the town Curtea de Arges/Romania?

Keywords: Community , Urban social space , Social group , Social behaviour , Leader dependent groups

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Social groups relate to the spatial distribution patterns of groups. Geographers seek to explain concrete territorial situations resulted from the social groups’ presence and actions. Our study aims to assess the spatial extension of social groups. By choosing an “easy” way of life based on pronounced frustrations, individuals have risked in their choices. When neighbourhoods preserve the same membership communication, relationships between the community groups does not lose the community character. Neighbourhood fragmentation maintains the community character, and, by applying quantified values of the distance, we can identify the extension of the territories. Thus, within the neighbourhood proximity has been exceeded and the distance has cancelled.


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