Heart rate changes associated with biofeedback trainingKeywords: Generalized anxiety disorder , frontalis-EMG biofeedback , alpha-EEG biofeedback , relaxation , heart rate Abstract: The present study compared the heart ratechanges associated with two most commonlyused biofeedback relaxation techniques in thetreatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder(GAD). 45 individuals with GAD (as defined byDSM-IV TR) were randomly assigned to threegroups: Group I (n = 15) received EMGbiofeedback relaxation training; Group II (n =15) received alpha–EEG biofeedbackrelaxation training and Group III (n=15) controlgroup. Both EMG and EEG groups resulted inmore consistent pattern of generalizedrelaxation changes reflected in heart rate ascompared to control group. At follow-up,maintenance of effects was not observed inboth treatment groups.