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ISSN: 2333-9721
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HbA1c and Average Blood glucose

Keywords: Glycated haemoglobin , Average blood glucose , Self-monitoring blood glucose

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:HbA1c assay is the most widely accepted and reliable marker of chronic hyperglycemia as of today. Estimated average Glucose (eAG) level is derived from HbA1c by regression formula based on DCCT data. Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG) is also now in vogueamong diabetics. Comparisons are often done between average blood glucose (ABG) obtained through SMBG and eAG derived from HbA1c. It has been found recently that eAG is not a substitute forABG derived from SMBG. Hence, a correction has been suggested in HbA1c derived eAG, based on a large clinical trial which correlates better with SMBG derived ABG.


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