Attitudes and views of first year medical students towards cadaver dissection in anatomy learningKeywords: Attitudes , views , first year medical students , cadaver dissection , anatomy learning. Abstract: :The present study was conducted to evaluate the attitudes and views of first year medical students towards cadaver dissection in anatomy learning. A structured questionnaire containing 18 items was administered to 99 first year medical students. For each question, the student had to choose one of the three possible responses: “yes”, “no” or “cannot say”. Out of 99 students, 80 (48 males and 32 females) responded to the questionnaire. Majority students (82.50%) found their first visit to the dissection room exciting. Only 26.25% were upset whereas 63.75% not upset at the beginning of the dissection. 72.50% did not show any anxiety and stress immediately before and during dissection, while 18.75% experienced anxiety and stress. 58.75% were found mentally prepared for dissection. 85% agreed that dissection enhanced their skill of thinking. 90% were of the view that dissection provided the best method for learning anatomy. 70% agreed that cadaver dissection is ethically acceptable. 26.25% reported that prior experience of dead body helped them in developing a better coping mechanism. An overwhelming majority (98.75%) considered the cadaver dissection as important and indispensable in anatomy learning.