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A Retrospective Analysis of the Pattern of Poisoning in Patients Admitted to Medical College Hospital

Keywords: Retrospective analysis , poison , poisoning pattern

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Content : Poisoning has become a common method for suicides. Deliberate self harm is a major problem in India. Poisoning accounts for 35-40% of all the suicidal deaths in INdia. This is a retrospective analysis conducted to formulate the current pattern and trends of poisoning cases admitted to a tertiary care centre - Government Medical College.Aims : The primary objective was to study the pattern of poisoning. Secondary objectives were to study the male:female ratio, reasons and management protocol of poisoning. We also tried to identify the poisons of local importance.Settings and Design: A retrospective analysis of medical records of poisoning cases from January 01 2006 to December 31 2006 at Medical Records Library of Government Medical College was done.Methods and Material: Research Committee and Ethical Committee clearance was obtained for the same. All the case sheets of patients admitted in the year 2006 were taken and data collected. After identifying the T50 (any other drugs not included in Chapter T of International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) cases we carefully went through the case sheets and data was collected in the structured questionnaire.Statistical Analysis used: All patients admitted with the poisoning during the study period were included in the study. Descriptive analysis was done to study the pattern of poisoning.Results: There were 1890 cases of poisoning in the year 2006 which accounts for 7% of the total admission to the medical wards. The male:female ratio was 1.27:1. The maximum number of poisonign was found in the age group 15-30 years. 10.85% cases died of poisoning, of which organophosphorous poisoning accounted for the maximum. This was followed by common drugs. There was no significant difference in monthly trends of poisoning. T50 was analysed in detail and the total no.of cases were 17.88% out of a total 1890 caes. The male:female ratio was 0.67:1. 15-30 years age group had the maximum number of cases about 58.58%. There were a total of 8 deaths. Poisoning with drugs accounted for 1.25% of the total admission to medical wards.Conclusions: In this study total no.of cases were 1890, pesticides were the common poisons used, followed by drugs like antiepileptics and T-50 drugs. Maximum numbers of poisoning cases were reported in the onth of May. Mortality rate was 10.85%.


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