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Teenage and non-teenage pregnant women in southwestern Nigeria. a descriptive study

Keywords: Teenage , Non-Teenage , Pregnant women , Socio-demographic characteristics.

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Objective: To investigate sociodemographiccharacteristics and pregnancycare among teenage and non-teenagepregnant women attending our antenatalclinicMethod: Self administered structuredquestionnaires were given to willingpregnant women attending antenatal clinicat Ladoke Akintola University TeachingHospital, Osogbo, Nigeria to examine sociodemographiccharacteristics of teenage andnon-teenage pregnant women andpregnancy care.Results:Teenage mothers were lesseducated(secondary education and above:55.2% Vs 74.1%), more unmarried(34.5%Vs 5.2%), less employed(64.5% Vs 85.3%)and had more unplanned pregnancies(67.9% Vs 16.1%) than the adult mothers.All statistically significant.Conclusion: Teenage pregnancies remainhigh risk group with its attendants healthproblems in our environment. It is apreventable problem if appropriatemeasures are instituted.


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