Una cartografía de la ense anza de la filosofía en territorio argentinoKeywords: exponents , norms , perspective , philosophy , politics , teaching Abstract: I intend to make a cartography of the itineraries followed by the teaching of philosophy in Argentina in order to show several existing perspectives and its most outstanding figures. I am interested in showing how the proposals concerning the transmission of philosophical knowledge to non-philosophers are based in a stand regarding what philosophy is con-sidered to be or what it should be. At the same time, these proposals are inserted in a national political history that prevents didactic reductionism, which is very frequent when tackling problems related to the teaching of philosophy. For such drawing, I will dwell upon the relations the authors propose with respect to the norms that govern institutions. This dimen-sion becomes relevant given that the authors are considering the teaching of philosophy in formal school settings. With the intention of avoiding an evolutionary historical drawing, I have preferred to draw this map. This is only one of the many possible, whose aim is to sketch four lines of thought, which, according to my perspective, coexist without overcoming each other: all current and validated when it comes to ta-ckling and building a teaching philosophy proposal.