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ISSN: 2333-9721
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A Survey on System Attack Models

DOI: 10.9756/bijrce.1132

Keywords: Active Attacks , Analytic Attacks , Network Attacks , Passive Attacks

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Managing Networks have become quite a task in the current scenario, due to many external challenges and threats to the security and integrity of our systems. The perfectly balanced solutions meant for providing ease of management and the actual implementation in real time are being given from many parts of the research community. The basic requirements which have been found to be vital for all types of sensor networks are protection of stored / transmitted information and the adaptability of systems to all new technologies. Though the technological developments of the sensor networks can be accommodated well enough with equal development of devices and framed standards, it is found to be difficult to cater to the needs of security requirements of sensor networks, both individually and as a whole. The growth of networks seems to have achieved great speed, in terms of both sizes and their importance. This shows us how important it is to weed out all security threats as well as to always stay ahead of all new attacks. Attacks may be of different levels from simple loss of information to shut down of the entire network permanently. Though it is impractical to have practical knowledge on all the types of attacks possible, it is however, possible to have a thorough theoretical knowledge of the same. This makes sure that it will be easier to form better solutions to prevent and eradicate the attacks through simple integration of inbuilt mechanisms.


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