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Baltic Region  2012 

On the establishment and early activity of the Soviet consulate in K nigsberg (1923—1925)

DOI: 10.5922/2079-8555-2012-2-5

Keywords: East Prussia , K nigsberg , consulate , Yu. S. Boshkovich , history of diplomacy , Soviet-German relations , Eastern Fair

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This article analyses the reasons behind the restoration of diplomatic relations between Russia and Germany after World War I, as well as the fundamental differences in the performance of Russian imperial and Soviet consular missions in East Prussia. On the basis of the earlier unknown documents from the Central Russian archives and the Political archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, the author describes the establishment of the Soviet Consulate in K nigsberg in 1923 and the contribution of the first Consul of the USSR in East Prussia, Yulian Boshkovich, to the development of bilateral relations in 1923—1925. The author considers the adverse political conditions under which Soviet diplomats were compelled to operate in Germany. The conclusion is that the principal line of Yu. S. Boshkovich’s activity concerned preparations for the opening of the USSR trade mission in K nigsberg, as well as ensuring strong representation of Soviet foreign trade associations at the Eastern Fair.


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