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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Baltic Region  2012 

The assessment of research and technical potential in the framework of the innovative model of development of regional economy

DOI: 10.5922/2079-8555-2012-1-11

Keywords: research and technological potential , innovation activity , regional economy , innovative infrastructure , human capital

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This article considers the research and technological potential and the innovative activity in a specific region of Russia — the Kaliningrad region. The authors assess its research and technological potential, and the achieved level of innovative activity in the Kaliningrad region as prerequisites necessary for the implementation of an innovative model of economy. This work identifies the problems of the research and technological potential development of the region, as well as a low level of development of the innovative activity in the Kaliningrad region in general and compared to the Baltic Sea region states. The authors also focus on the prerequisites for the development of research and technological cooperation between the Kaliningrad region and the Baltic Sea region countries. Special attention is paid to the opportunities for the creation of innovative clusters in the Baltic region states.


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