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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Baltic Region  2013 

The creation of a common EU energy market: a quiet revolution with far-reaching consequences

DOI: 10.5922/2079-8555-2013-2-8

Keywords: common energy market , CJEU , European Commission , 3rd Internal Energy Market Legislative Package (3rd Energy Package) , competition , liberalization , EU law

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The article explores important changes in the EU energy structure and legislation. The authors examine the main stages of the creation of a common energy market in the EU. They analyse recent actions taken by the European Commission and the Court of Justice of the EU against its member states and energy monopolists who directly or indirectly breach the rules of competition in the energy sector. The authors come to the conclusion that liberalization of the European energy sector will eventually have serious theoretical and practical consequences for the EU, as well as third countries, including Russia.


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