ELUSIVE FACTORS INFLUENCING SHARE VALUES: AN EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENTKeywords: Innovation , Human capital development , Supply chain management , Nigeria Abstract: The paper examined the elusive factors influencing share value in the Nigeria oil and gas industry with the aim of determining their effect and the extent to which they influenced share value. A simple random technique was used to select three of the six listed oil and gas companies on the Nigeria stock exchange. A stratified random technique was then used to select respondent in the functional department across the selected oil and gas industry. Both secondary and primary data were involved in the study. Stepwise regression analysis was used to capture the relative contribution and effect of the factors on share value. The results exhibit a strong relationship between the oil and gas industry market value and the elusive factors -Innovation, human capital, and supply chain management. Innovation was indentified to be the major driving force adding value to the Nigerian oil and gas industry, followed by human capital development and supply chain management.