INVESTIGATION THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JOB TRAITS AND JOB STRESSKeywords: job major aspects , Job traits , job stress , organization , Hackman , Oldham model Abstract: Stress is a highly serious problem in today world which endangers physical and mental health of individuals. Today organization is a location seriously influenced by stress. As a calamity, stress in organizations weakens and destroys operations and also can promote the organization. There are paramount evidences on the destructive effects of job stress on physical and mental health as well as organizational productivity. Job or job traits are factors that highly impact on stress at organization. In present probe, we study the impacts of job traits on job stress by using Hackman and Oldham job traits model. Below, the relationship between job traitsand stress was investigated by two questionnaires (job traits and job stress). Research population in ShahedUniversity’s comprehensive plan with 123 subjects (45 professors and 78 employees) who are selected as available among statistical population. For Information analysis we used descriptive & inferential statistics (Correlation Coefficient). The results are as following:There is a positive and significant relationship between job major aspects and job stress (At Confidence Interval of 90%) of professors while there is no significant and positive relationship between job major aspects and job stress of employees.