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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Effects of short-term isokinetic training with reciprocal knee extensors agonist and antagonist muscle actions: A controlled and randomized trial

Keywords: for a muscular , reabilita o , joelho , treinamento resistido , muscle strength , rehabilitation , knee , resistance training

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BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that preloading an antagonist muscle may increase the acute agonist neuromuscular performance. In addition, studies have suggested that very short-term resistance exercise (RE) programs may also be useful to increase strength and muscular performance. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of three days of RE using a reciprocal action method on the muscular performance of healthy men and to compare these effects with those of a traditional RE group. METHOD: Thirty-three men (21.1 ± 2.3 years) were randomly assigned to one of three groups: 1) reciprocal (REC; knee flexion immediately followed by a knee extension exercise); 2) traditional (TRA; non-preload; a concentric knee extension exercise); and 3) control (CON; no exercise). The REC and TRA subjects performed four sets of 10 repetitions at 60o/s with one minute of rest. The pre- and post-RE tests included two sets of four maximal concentric repetitions at 60o/s and 180o/s. A 3x2 ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc was used to analyze the differences in peak torque (PT), rating of acceleration development (RAD) and time to peak torque (TIMEtorque). RESULTS: A significant PT increase was found for REC and TRA (p<0.05) at 60o/s and for REC at 180o/s (p<0.05). There was a decrease in the RAD for REC and TRA (p<0.05), and TIMEtorque showed a significant decrease for REC. The inter-group analysis revealed that REC is more effective than TRA for PT gains at both velocities (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: It is recommended that REC offers benefits for the clinical practice of professionals involved in neuromuscular rehabilitation. CONTEXTUALIZA O: Estudos demonstraram que a pré-ativa o de músculos antagonistas pode aumentar o desempenho neuromuscular agonista. Além disso, estudos sugerem que programas de exercício resistido (ER) de curta dura o podem ser úteis para aumentar a for a muscular e o desempenho. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os efeitos de três sess es de ER por meio do método de a es recíprocas no desempenho muscular de homens sadios e comparar com um grupo de ER tradicional. MéTODO: Trinta e três homens (21,1 ± 2,3 anos) foram randomicamente alocados em três grupos: Recíproco (REC: uma repeti o de flex o do joelho imediatamente seguida por uma de extens o do joelho); Tradicional (TRA: exercício concêntrico de extens o do joelho) e Controle (CON: n o realizaram exercício). O REC e o TRA realizaram quatro séries de dez repeti es a 60o.s-1 com um minuto entre séries. As avalia es pré e pós-ER foram caracterizadas por duas séries de quatro repeti es máximas a 60o.s-1 e 180o.s-1. Utilizo


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