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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Experimental study regarding the effects of a hyperlipidemic diet under estrogen deficiency

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Our study observed the role that the n3 fat acids and the lignans (phytoestrogens) from the composition of flaxseed can have on the markers of endothelial dysfunction and on the metabolic lipid changes, under endocrine imbalance (surgical menopause) associated with a hyperlipidemic diet. The present work intends to determine the quantity of vWF antigen with the help of the immune-enzymatic “sandwich” technique for a lot of 48 female rats belonging to Wistar breed that got 3 types of diets: standard, hyperlipidemic and hyperlipidemic diet supplemented with lignans. The vWF antigen that is present in the sample gets attached from the anti vWF antibodies, at the surface of the microtiter plate. The sample concentration can be determined by extrapolation and by reporting it to the standard used. The ovariectomy, an experimental model of atherosclerosis that is induced by the estrogen deficiency, was characterized by the appearance of an endothelial dysfunction, which was shown by the increased values of vWF. The results of the present experimental research regarding the effects of an adjuvant therapy, that prevents the appearance of the endothelial dysfunction by nutritive supplements requires the study to be continued on humans, too, because of the multiple advantages of using flaxseeds.


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