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Outcome of Phacoemulsification in patients with and without Pseudoexfoliation syndrome in Kashmir

DOI: 10.1186/1471-2415-12-13

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200 patients were prospectively evaluated and divided into 2 groups. Group 1 comprised 100 cases with pseudoexfoliation and Group 2 (control) 100 cases without pseudoexfoliation. Phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation was performed by 3 surgeons. Intraoperative and postoperative observations were made in both the groups at regular intervals upto 6?months. A chi square test was used for statistical analysis.Patients with pseudoexfoliation were significantly older (P?=?0.000), had harder cataract(P?=?0.030) and smaller mean pupil diameter(P?=?0.000) than the control group. Intraoperative complications were comparable between the 2 groups except the occurrence of zonular dehiscence which was seen in 7% patients of Group 1 compared to 0% in Group 2. Higher postoperative inflammatory response was seen in Group 1(P?=?0.000). Decrease in intraocular pressure (IOP) at all postoperative measurements was more in Group 1(P?=?0.000). The visual acuity was better in the control group in the early postoperative period (P?=?0.029), however the final visual acuity at 6?months was comparable between the 2 groups.Phacoemulsification in presence of pseudoexfoliation necessitates appropriate surgical technique to avoid intraoperative complications. Pseudoexfoliation is associated with higher inflammatory response, significant postoperative IOP drop and satisfactory visual outcome.


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