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Algae  2012 

Phylogenetic relationships of Arthrospira strains inferred from 16S rRNA gene and cpcBA-IGS sequences

Keywords: Arthrospira (Spirulina) , cpcBA-IGS , phylogenetic analysis , 16S rRNA gene

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Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima are species of cyanobacteria used in health foods, animal feed, food additives, and fine chemicals. This study conducted a comparison of the 16S rRNA gene and cpcBA-intergenic spacer (cpcBA-IGS) sequences in Arthrospira strains from culture collections around the world. A cluster analysis divided the 10 Arthrospira strains into two main genotypic clusters, designated I and II, where Group I contained A. platensis SAG 86.79, UTEX 2340, A. maxima KCTC AG30054, and SAG 49.88, while Group II contained A. platensis PCC 9108, NIES 39, NIES 46, and SAG 257.80. However, although A. platensis PCC 9223 belonged to Group II-2 based on its cpcBA-IGS sequence, this strain also belonged to Group I based on its 16S rRNA gene sequence. Phylogenetic analyses based on the 16S rRNA gene and cpcBA-IGS sequences showed no division between A. platensis and A. maxima, plus the 16S rRNA gene and cpcBAIGS sequence clusters did not indicate any well-defined geographical distribution, instead overlapping in a rather interesting way. Therefore, the current study supports some previous conclusions based on 16S rRNA gene and cpcBA-IGS sequences, which found that Arthrospira taxa are monophyletic. However, when compared with 16S rRNA sequences, cpcBA-IGS sequences may be better suited to resolve close relationships and intraspecies variability.


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