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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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On the implementation of cubic public keys based on algebraic graphs over the finite commutative rings and their symmetries.

Keywords: extremal graphs , coding theory

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The paper devoted to implementation of the public key algorith based on directed algebraic graphs over nite commutative ring K and their symmetries. First we expand the key space K^n of graph based encryption algorithm in such way that arbitrary chosen plaintext can be converted to arbitrary chosen ciphertext. Second, we conjugate chosen encryption map, which is a composition of several "elementary" cubical polynomial automorphisms of a free module K^n with special invertible affine transformation of K^n . Finally we compute symbolically corresponding cubic public map g of K^n onto K^n. We evaluate time for the generation of g, time of execution of public map, number of monomial expression in the list of corresponding public rules.


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