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Akroterion  2012 


DOI: 10.7445/51-0-59

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Athol Fugard, internationally acclaimed author and playwright, was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Stellenbosch in April 2006. In conjunction with the graduation ceremony he and Prof. Marianne McDonald from the University of California, San Diego, visited the Universities of Stellenbosch and Cape Town. Prof. McDonald conducted workshops and met with students and members of staff at these institutions. In addition she was invited to deliver a public lecture at the Department of Ancient Studies of the University of Stellenbosch. Her lecture is published in this volume: it is another acclamation of the indispensable contribution of Fugard to the Classics. McDonald has devoted her productive academic career to contextualising the Classics to real life and in many instances utilised Fugard’s original plays.


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