Minería, género y cultura. Una aproximación etnográfica a espacios de esparcimiento y diversión masculina en el norte de Chile.Keywords: Schopería , masculinidad , relaciones de género , minería Abstract: This paper describes the gender practices of men and women who work in the mining industry in the north of Chile. This ethnographic research was conducted in masculine spaces for social interaction in Calama. We ask about the structure of gender relations in the Schoperías, and how this economic and cultural context favors a type of gender relationships based on a normative patriarchal system. In this paper the researchers argue that there is an association between mining and the symbolic and imaginary reproduction of the worker, who is socially valued according to his physical strength and economic power. Schoperías are privileged homosocial spaces for the performance of hegemonic masculinity. However, although homosexual desire is continuously performed in these spaces, a strong and constant homophobia is also exhibited by the mine workers at the Schoperías.